Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
-Albert Gyorgyi-

Technology & Computers - Top Blogs Philippines

Famous Inventors

1. Thomas Edison

2. Alexander Graham Bell

3. George Washington Carver

4. Eli Whitney

5. Johannes Gutenberg

6. John Logie Baird

7. Benjamin Franklin

8. Henry Ford

9. James Naismith

10. Herman Hollerith

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Zenith's Eugene Polley - first designed the wireless remote

Zenith's Eugene Polley, first designed the wireless remote that essentially a flashlight. When Zenith discovers that direct sunlight also can change channels on the remote-receptive TVs, the company comes out with a model that uses ultrasound; it lasts into the 1980s, to the disappointment of many a family dog. . The industry then switches to infrared.

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